Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our return trip to Cape Coral, FL was relatively uneventful until we were at the airport ready to head home and then....we were offered $600 in airfare by Continental Airlines to give up our seats. We decided to do this and instead of being directed to California via Texas we were sent to Newark, NJ. We spend most of our day in the Newark airport playing hand and foot...thank goodness our friends had taught us this great card game. Our cat, Susan J., had spent the four days we were away at the local Vets outside of the Pio Pico Preserve. She was both delighted to see us and annoyed that we had left her there in the first place. It so seems the local vet also offers doggie day care service and poor Susan J. had dogs parading in front of her cage all day, barking and making her life miserable. We had left our motorhome at the Pio Pico Preserve and Susan J, Bill and I headed over there to get our rig out of storage. We spent the night there, delighted to be back to our simple lifestyle.

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