Monday, April 19, 2010

Nicolaus, CA - Lake Minden park

Lake Minden is a lovely little park with a lake smack dab in the center of it. Bill and I took the two mile stroll around the lake almost every evening of the thirteen nights we were there. If you look closely you will see a fake Christmas tree in the corner of one of the pictures. Don't be fooled into thinking we were here for Christmas. The park employees decided to leave the tree up year round and hang seasonal/holiday ornaments on it. If you look closely, you will see an assortment of Easter eggs dangling from the branches. We were delighted to learn that a pot luck dinner was planned for the Saturday before Easter. Bill and I love pot luck dinners; any excuse for him to cook is a good one. Bill made a cherry cobbler, one of his favorite deserts to share.
As usual we were looking for things to occupy our time. I spent time writing a poem for my sisters, while Bill worked on scanning the family photos to disks. We sent each of my sisters a care package with a framed copy of the poem , the family photo disc and beaded pins I had made for my sisters and my nieces. I know they will be delighted when they open up their gifts!

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