Saturday, December 13, 2008

The weather was terrible in Gatlinburg, and was even worse further South with forecasts of snow as far away as New Orleans. Nonetheless, we decided to move down to Lake Guntherville State Park in Alabama on Thursday, the 11th. Marcia's sister Jill, who lives in Norcross, GA, is slated for back surgery on the 20th of next month, and we are going to go over there to take care of her dogs while she is in the hospital. We will subject her to our cooking to see if we can prolong her recovery. We have decided to stay here for a full month before venturing closer to Norcross.

While en route, our GPS instructed us to take a hairpin 330 degree turn down an incredibly steep road as we neared this park. It was so steep that the RV's spare tire, which is mounted underneath the rig, got knocked off from contacting the road. We were forced to back up and find another route. We will have to get this problem repaired, but it is no big deal. Fortunately no damage is noticeable.

This place is absolutely packed with deer. We took the photo of this one at the ranger station as we were checking in. A doe and her fawn paid us a visit while we were setting up. It is amazing how close you can get to these creatures without having them run away.

We are on a beautiful lake, and the park is packed with a lovely lodge and trails galore, but it has been way too cold for us to venture outside to do anything since we have been here. Perhaps we will be able to get out snoop around the place this afternoon. Fortunately the temperatures are supposed to be much warmer for the next week. We are ready for the thaw.

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