Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our visit to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge provided us with spectacular views of the Great Smokey Mountains. The cities were total tourist traps. Every square inch of real estate featured some sort of business which was destined to drain the wallets of the tourists. Fudge shops, popcorn, pizza, moccasins, and souvenirs were within reach every step of the way. We tried to take a tram to the top of a mountain, but the wind was blowing so hard that the operators advised us that they might have to suspend their operations and send a bus to bring us back. It is an interesting place to see. We marveled at how they could build so many homes on the side of the mountains. The place was Tennessee's version of Las Vegas. We left plenty of room in our schedule to spend extra time here if the place warranted an extended stay, but two days was enough.

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