Wednesday, December 31, 2008

As the picture says, Happy New Year from our RV to your home. May the forthcoming year be safe and prosperous for you. We have had a rather uneventful time of it since our last post. Marcia has been busy designing her online course and Bill has been assisting her by designing some of the graphics she has incorporated into it. That's basically been the extent of all we have done for the past week. It has been days since we even got out of the RV. The weather has constantly been rainy, windy, and cold, but it was always nice and cozy inside.

We attended a wonderful candlelight Christmas Eve service at a Presbyterian church in sunny downtown Guntersville. It really got us into the holiday spirit. We went up to the lodge on Christmas day and had a wonderful traditional feast. We started eating before noon, and stuffed ourselves to the hilt. We couldn't eat another thing for the remainder of the entire day. We still have about 11 days left here before we move over to visit sister Jill in Georgia.

Marcia has been on a cleaning campaign this morning, and Susan has been doing her snoozin'. The wind blew over our satellite dish, so Bill gets to go out and realign the thing for his morning project. More to follow.

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