Thursday, November 6, 2008

We pulled up stakes this morning and traveled through South Carolina en route to North Carolina to look at an RV Park in where we thought we would like to stay through the night of December 5th in order to visit daughter Holly et. al. The trip was uneventful except for the fact that we were stunned when we pulled into a gas station in the Northern part of SC to discover that diesel fuel had dropped to $2.669 per gallon. This is close to half the price we had to pay this summer! How wonderful is that?

We pulled into the new park and found it to be well suited to meet our needs, so we signed up for a month's stay. It is in Concord, NC about 16 miles from daughter Holly, and is located about a half mile from Lowes Motor Speedway, the former Charlotte Speedway. This place has given us our shot at seeing the beautiful fall colors that we have missed while living in Florida. Although the colors are beautiful, the cold temperatures that accompany them make us treasure life in the South.

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