Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here we are in sunny North Carolina, very close to the border of South Carolina where the temperatures are always balmy, well..., except for this week. It is now 5:00 am, and the temperature is presently 23 degrees. This was cold enough to freeze our water hose solid, so we are forced to sit here without any water until the sun comes up and heats everything up enough to enable us to shower. So, OK, there is a small down side to this RV life, but it is wonderful anyway. Marcia made some tea for us with the last of the bottled water she had in the refrigerator, and Bill went outside in the bitter cold to examine the water system. Fortunately the ice in the hose didn't cause it to split, so we presently have no water leaks. Whew! We will be leaving here on the 6th of next month as long as we don't freeze to death in the meantime. We fondly look forward to heading in a Southerly direction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you 2 got 'soft' living in Fla--come on up a little farther north and spend the winter in sunny --oh so warm VA :) :) :)
All you have to do is use that cute little fireplace just a little bit more and we could be playing Mexician train beside it.

Just us 2
J and J