Sunday, November 16, 2008

Daughter Holly, her man Charles, and the female grandmunchkins came over this morning for their first look at our RV. The adults soon left, and we were able to spoil the little darlings any way we wanted. We decided to expose the girls to geocaching ( to see if that sport would stir up any interests since it is fun, educational, and gives them some exercise in order to burn off the calories we induced into their little bodies with the brownies we stuffed into their eagerly waiting stomachs. The girls seemed to have a blast. They uncovered stashes at two different locations. Miss Emily treasured the dollar bill that she found while Olivia bonded with a plush dog. We tried our hand at child psychology while we were with them. Everyone wanted to get pizza for lunch except for Olivia who was bound and determined that only a Happy Meal would be able to satisfy her appetite. We told her we would be happy to get her what she wanted, but she would have to sit with us, without having anything to eat or drink, while the three of us devoured our pizza. Certainly she would give in... WRONG! Fortunately, McDonalds was less than a block away, and a few McNuggets, fries, and a soda later, we were out of there, having to watch her eat her meal as we had to sit without anything to eat or drink. Oh well, perhaps we should try our hand at nuclear physics next. It should prove to be easier.

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