Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some old friends came by yesterday after traveling down from Pennsylvania. They said that the gasoline shortage was pretty hairy around Charlotte, NC. We intend to make Charlotte one of our first stops in order to visit daughter Holly and her family. These friends came down to help with a function this coming weekend at Koreshan State Historic Site in Estero, FL, where we volunteered last year. Due to the gas situation, it didn't take too much convincing to talk us into spending this coming week over at Koreshan so that we can lend a helping hand. Hopefully gas production will have caught up with gas demand by Monday, October 6th, and we will finally be able to get the show on the road. We are excited about having another pair of good friends show up this afternoon after traveling down from Virginia for the winter. We hardly know anyone down here, and it's a very meaningful event in our lives to have people drop in on us.

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