Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fay, fay, flew away, now it's time for us to play. Boarding up the house was quite a task. Although our 44 aluminium hurricane shutters were heavy, our battery operated drill made quick work of putting them up and removing them. Once they were all up, it was really DARK inside the house... duh! They gave us a tremendous sense of security. Our weather radio kept us informed all night about tornadoes and other nasty weather events.
The parks were closed Tuesday, so we attempted to cancel our reservations. We were told by the good(?) folks at that they would have to charge us a use fee of $10 and a cancellation fee of $12 for our $24 reservation, thereby giving us a credit of $2. They really couldn't explain why they had to charge us a use fee for a park which we couldn't use because it was closed, but that's the government for you. They said they would credit us back the full amount if they received the official notification that the parks were closed. I had them call the park. The ranger there told them they were closed, but that wasn't official enough for them. Oh well... Enough being house-bound, we are off today to a Corps of Engineers park by the name of Ortona which is about 30 miles from here.

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