Sunday, August 24, 2008

We have had a really interesting trip visiting the Army Corps of Engineers parks in our area. Thursday and Friday we were at Ortona Dam. It is a beautiful place, and we had a spot right on the water. We installed supports for our awnings (awnbrellas), and we were very glad we did. Tropical storm Fay made certain that we had ample amounts of rain and wind with which to test the new awning supports. They worked perfectly! Our coffee pot reservoir started leaking Friday morning, but we were able to get it replaced today thanks to Camping World. We have spent the past two days at W. P. Franklin Dam which is just about 23 miles from the house. It is incredibly beautiful here. Water surrounds us on all sides. It almost seems as if we are in a houseboat. We were finally able to test our 3000 w. generator we purchased from Home Depot. It runs our air conditioner and television perfectly, and should handle a few lights as well, so we can be fully independent if we need to pull of the road for the night as long as we fill up our 60 gallon potable water tank before we leave. It is hard to believe that some people consider camping "roughing it"! Perhaps the best part of this whole trip is that the camping only cost us $12 per night with our Federal Senior Pass. We saved about the same amount each day by shutting our air conditioner and water heater off at home.

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