Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yuma, AZ - Araby Acres an Encore Park

A repeat visit to Araby Acres in Yuma, Az was a must. We had spent six weeks the prior year from Thanksgiving through New Years at which time we had purchased our Alpha motor home. This year we would be spending only a month. We very quickly got back into the daily routine we had established during our prior visit availing ourselves of Paradise Casino's toys/food promotion; bring $25 worth of merchandise and they give you $50 on your players card. The trick, of course, is to leave each day with as much of the $50 as possible. At the end of the month, we had made a $1200 profit for our efforts. A visit to the swimming pool and hot tub were also part of our daily routine. We were here once again over Thanksgiving. The management at Araby Acres historically provides Turkey with the basic fixings and the attendees augment this with vegetables, deserts etc. Our days were also spent making Christmas presents and cards for our family members. We are planning a Panama Canal cruise over the Christmas Holiday and we will need to mail our cards and packages off before we leave on December 15th. I have been working on a project scanning over 2000 photos from my father's albums to disc. over the last six months and this too needs to be finished before our departure. All of this kept us hopping for the entire month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always fun to check your site to see the latest--so its Yuma for a while--sounds like you are having fun, staying busy and planning ahead. Got your card-Thank you and sure hope your trip is fun and a safe one. Merry Christmas--just us 2 still sittin here in VA