Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bow, Washington - TT Park Mount Vernon

During our stay in Bow, WA we set up a booth for two different events; Fiesta days sponsored by the Burlington Chamber of Commerce and The Burlington Open Market. Sunday, was the first day of the open maket which will be held every Sunday in the future. The market place is in a wonderful location directly across from Fred Meyers (Washington's answer to Wall-Mart).
I neglected to say that during our stay in the last park we found a blackberry patch which we couldn't resist availing ourselves. We also found some bargain priced oranges and lemons at a nearby farm stand that were easily made into marmalade by Bill. With all this jam taking up valuable space in the pantry we needed to divest ourselves of some; another table in our booth
seemed to be the perfect solution!

The activities and attractions listed for this area, other than the Skagit Casino, are few and are really not that close to our TT park. The big event for the area was the Burlington Chamber's Fiesta days. I asked the Tourism Director if they had a tourism plan....she did not know but said that Burlington's biggest attraction was the abundance of retail shops and outlet stores. The Chamber anticipated 2000 attendees but our best estimation is that only about 500 people really showed up. I am not sure if the poor attendance was a derivative of the economy or poor marketing. There were about twenty vendors on site, four of them food vendors. The scheduled activities included face painting, tattoos and musical entertainment. We were happy to at least cover the $75 entrance fee; many of the other vendors did not.

1 comment:

Oasis said...

Hi guys! It was great to meet you at the Burlington Public Market. Hope you look us up on your next time through!