Saturday, May 22, 2010

Seaside, OR - Seaside park

Seaside Oregon was home to our motor coach for forty days.
We spent a few days in the park and then put the rig in storage while we took a thirteen day cruise to Alaska. On our return from Alaska we flew directly to Florida where we spent eight days putting our house back together. Our return trip to Oregon included a stop off in Rapid City, South Dakota to obtain our drivers licenses and pick up our mail from our mail box service. Our cat, Susan J., had also been on vacation in the local cat lodge and was really happy to see us. We were just glad to get back to the park after all that traveling. We were delighted to hear thatour friends, Mary and Lloyd, were spending several days at Seaside in the spot next to ours. Oregon being their home sate they decided to take us on a scenic tour of the area which included a visit to their beach house a few towns away, a tour of the Tilamook cheese factory and downtown Seaside. We had great fun playing cards, eating pizza and relaxing in the hot tub. On their departure from Seaside, we followed them back to their home in Boring. They have a darling manufactured home on a huge lot with a detached garage and a barn. Mary made my favorite lunch, tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches! That afternoon we went on a tour of their community and over to Mary's brother Tom and his wife Celia's house. Their property is totally different from Mary and Lloyd's and is more likened to an estate. There house is huge I am guessing it is well over 3500 square feet and was built on twenty acres of family land. They deserve a lot of credit for having built and landscaped the house themselves. They told us it has been a work in process forover fourteen years. The inside of their home is furnished with antiques hand picked by Celia. Everything inside is custom made and just exquisite. Back at Seaside we whiled away the rest of our time in the park playing cards, beading, walking the beach and found a great Neil Simon play, Rumors, in the neighboring town of Cannon Beach.

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