Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cloverdale, OR - Pacific City park

Thousand Trails has some very beautiful parks and Pacific City is no exception. Not only are the RV sites situated in an area that has beautiful, tall trees providing privacy from neighbors, but it also has a trail down to the beach. We decided, however, given the 50 degree temperatures, to admire it from afar. Cloverdale, OR is located near the town of Keizer which is home to another group of relatives, my father's Cousin Marjorie and her daughter, Jacqueline. Mother and daughter have both lived there for many years. Jacqueline grew up in Keizer and now she and her husband own a home there. Jacqueline invited my husband, Bill, and I to her home for lunch so we could all meet. I was told by Cousin Marjorie that she and her daughters met my four sisters and I many years ago during one of their visits to Massachusetts. I do not remember this meeting since I would have been quite young at the time. Our visit to Jacqueline's home turned out to be much like our visit with her sister, Maureen, and her family. Jacqueline broke out the china and cloth napkins and we feasted on several varieties of little sandwiches, two kinds of home made soups, pickles, chips etc. Bill's contribution of a fresh fruit salad and a cherry cobbler complimented the meal and bought rave reviews from the family. I neglected to say that Bill and I had made beaded bracelets and pins for Marjorie and her daughters and had given Maureen and her female family members each one during our visit with them. The jewelry we made for Marjorie was in lavender and purple tones. Marjorie declared that purple was her favorite color and asked how did we know that? I sure am glad we started this hobby. It is always nice to be able to give something of yourself to others.

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