Monday, February 8, 2010

Oakzinata Springs - Descanso , CA

We left the Hanebergs in Wilderness LAdd Imageakes and headed for Oakzanita Springs in Descanso, CA. Who says it never snows in California? We got up one morning and the car and motor home were covered with that nasty white stuff! We decided this would be a perfect day to hang out at the San Diego Zoo. We spent the day there and Bill took some great pictures which we posted on facebook for our grandchildren to enjoy. Oakzanita Springs, as luck would have it, is close to Julian, the location of Mom's and her infamous baked apple. We spent an afternoon touring the little shops in Julian and indulged in yet another baked apple, with ice cream, of course. Bill has a way of sniffing out Casinos that are willing to provide food and money and we spent some very enjoyable times at Vejas and Seycuan Casinos while we were here.

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