Saturday, July 31, 2010

Monroe, WA - Thunderbird TTpark

What an awesome experience! We took a sunset hot air balloon ride in early celebration of our upcoming 4th wedding anniversary, August 11th.
The wind was almost non-existent and our hour long flight sent us drifting along at about 3 MPH over lakes, farmland and tree tops; we even had a distant view of Mt. Rainier. The balloon pilot set the balloon down in a nearby farmers field. The chase car picked us up and we paid the obligatory thank you visit to the farmer who just so happened to have a farm store with homemade jams, dressings, pickles etc for sale. The flight was followed with the traditional champagne or apple juice toast (apple juice for us) to a safe flight and a delicious full course meal; lasagna, Caesar salad, garlic bread and black olives. One more thing off our bucket list. How lucky are we!!!

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