Thursday, October 9, 2008

We have moved from the state park to Lake San Marino RV Resort in Naples, FL. The place is perfectly manicured and beautiful. We are just about a mile from some of the best beaches in the world. Life is good. We will be here through the end of October - Trick or Treat! This place has solved the problem of what to do with the RV while we are floating around the Atlantic Ocean 11 days from now while we are on our cruise.

We are also pleased that we have made a few decisions. Our plan is to spend the first couple of nights in November at Stephen Foster State Park in Northern Florida as we head towards a visit with daughter Holly, et. al, in North Carolina. We have made reservations to fly from Charlotte to Boston between 11/8 through 11/11 to visit John the Carpenter, aka Marcia's dad, before the winter freeze sets in. Gosh, do we still own warm clothing?

We should be there through Thanksgiving which is also Marcia's birthday if they haven't made plans to go somewhere else. We have found a suitable RV park a few miles North of Holly's place which should serve as our home base for a couple of weeks. Hopefully we can pawn Susan off on Holly while we are up North.

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