Sunday, September 14, 2008

Free at last. Martin Luther was so right! We have shed the surley bonds of home dwellers and have returned to the wild, hopefully for a very long time. Today finds us at Collier-Seminole State Park near Naples, FL. We escaped here after holding a very successful yard sale. We were able to rid ourselves of those prized possessions we carried around our entire lives without ever looking at them. Most all of our "stuff" has been incorporated into our RV, and whatever we couldn't fit into it is sitting at home.

We have a property manager who is going to rent out our furnished home, take care of the lawn mowing, maintenance, etc. What a joy! We will return to the closest park to our home next Tuesday for a week or so while we finish moving out. Our intention is to leave on a fall foilage run to New England as soon as possible. We will visit one of Marcia's kids in North Carolina, another in New Jersey, and her father in Massachussetts enroute. We hope to hit Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Nova Scotia as we meander along the Eastern Seaboard. We will head back down South in just enough time to avoid the snow to spend Christmas with daughter Holly and the Grand Munchkins. Stay tuned, this could be an exciting trip which will have no end in sight. Will they ever return???

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